It's been awhile since I've been tagged so I thought I'd play along.
This time it was Sonia from the Dark Raven's Nest who got me. Be sure to check out her blog, she has some nice studio pictures up right now.
So, 6 random things about myself...
1. We lived above a horse barn for 8 years. I cared for the horses below in exchange for rent, electricity and board for my horse. It was a cute little two bedroom apartment that smelled like hay, had mice in the ceiling and lots of spiders.
2. I have always secretly wanted to be a mounted police officer. When I see one patrolling the streets in Lancaster I think that there would be no cooler job to have getting to ride around on your trusty pal all day making sure people are behaving themselves.
3. My mom had a little palomino mare when I was born named Gypsy. She bought her as a foal and did all her training. Partly the reason for the name of my studio and fully the reason for my obsession with horses:)
4. My favorite movie is Amelie. It has everything I like in a movie, funny, touching, whimsical, beautiful cinematography and fabulous acting.
5. My favorite subject in high school, besides art, was AP American History in my senior year. My great grandmother, Aimée MacNeill, was a historian specializing in Valley Forge and the Battle at Brandywine during the Revolutionary War. I find this time in our history the most interesting.
6. I LOVE music and can appreciate all genres however the older I get the more I dislike going to concerts. The crowds are unbearable. People standing instead of sitting bugs me. The long drive to Philly where most good concerts are. The long wait to get out of the parking lot. All I find very annoying and I hate to admit it.
If I had a bunch of money I would go see this upcoming concert though and brave the long drive to State College. To see all those musicians on the stage together would be a once in a lifetime event!
Now I'm supposed to tag some people and I usually don't do this but I think these fellow artists wouldn't mind playing along (if you do mind, you won't hurt my feelings:).
Linda @ The Briar Rose Gate
Kathleen @ Life Earth Sky
Ingrid @ Ingrid's Art
Jane @ My World in Pictures
Sarah @ Cottage Garden Studio
Zan @ Wild at Heart Art
Also wanted to mention I have two heart ornaments I just added to my etsy shop. Here's one of a little white rabbit. If they don't sell by February 1st, they will move over to Ebay perhaps.

Please don't forget to check out the treasuries I'm promoting too. They are listed on the right side of this page.
Have a wonderful day! ~ Jen
"There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it." -Henry Moore
LOL - had to go look at the rules! Thanks - this is fun - gonna have to give this some thought. Love your answers!!!
Hey Jen, ok, I just saw your post to me. Gimme a day...there's a LOT of random stuff I could tell you about me...not necessarily INTERESTING, just...uhmm..random ;)
I LOVE the hearts. If I wasn't so pathetically broke I would live at your Etsy store!
This must be going around.. I'm doing a Tagged thing in Facebook!
and I love Amelie too..
What fun facts. I secretly always want to pet the mounted policemans horse, hehe.
i am such a HUGE fan of your work! Your horses are so beautiful!!!
Well your secret is out now Officer Jen....hehe... Who knew?
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