In December I thought it was high time I start reading some books I've always wanted to read but claimed I didn't have the time for. My husband, being a middle school teacher, has all the Harry Potter books and has read them all.
It was time I read those book too.
Thank you J.K. Rowling.
Thank you for 4195 pages of thoroughly entertaining, totally engrossing, magical masterpiece of my time. I laughed, I cried, I was angry, hopeful, sad, nervous and elated. And as silly as it sounds for a grown adult to say about a young adult series, I felt like I was friends with these characters for the last two months.
I cannot wait until my daughter is old enough to read these wonderful books.
Thank you Ms. Rowling.
Now what on earth am I going to read next?

I adored every single work of each book!! I was satisfied - but sad when I reached the end of the last!!! I just read them all myself this Fall!!
I loved the Harry Potter books, too!
From time to time, I indulge myself and re-read favorite books from my childhood, just because. . .
Good books are good no matter what your age!
I adored every book!
I love all the Harry Potters and enjoyed reading them. I just wish they kept going! I will watch the movies anytime they come on! I'm interested in the Gypsy breed. Can you tell me more? Do you have them? I want one for my little girl. Pony size?
And here I thought I was the only person who had not read them yet. I too kept saying I would get around to it and never did... *blush*
I haven't read them yet. I did start to read once and it was really good, but alas I put it down. I do plan to read them all in the future. Ms. Rowling is an excellent writer.
Oh how I love all the books (and movies) of Harry Potter too.
I have re-read them quite a few times already :)
Well, I guess I'd better start reading! I haven't read one of the books or seen the movies but they do sound very interesting!
I read them all too. Couldn't wait for the next one to come out. They are such good books.
Lately I started the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers. They are suppose to be for teenagers, or people over! I must be going through a second childhood then cause I love them.
Haven't read them yet either--but have had so many people (adults) tell me they LOVED them. My daughter and son-in-law read them together a few years ago and they were totally enthralled--which really started me thinking I should read them, too. Thanks for the recommendation!
I saw you snowman oh the EHAG blog - didn't know you were a member!!! I'm on SEHA and HA31. Have a great day hon!!
Hooray! Congratulations on making Harry a part of your life!
Which one was your favorite?
Have you read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan? I've only read the first one, and can't wait to read the rest.
Thanks for the comments everyone. If you haven't read Harry, you definately should. Once you get to the 3rd book they really start to get good.
Megan I haven't read that book, I'll have to check it out.
My favorite Potter books were the last two. I think in part because I had no idea what was going to happen (no movie yet). I cried my brains out at the end of Half Blood Prince.
Just read Coraline today for fun. The people that did Nightmare Before Christmas made a movie of it that should be out soon.
I absolutely adores these books! I was so sorry to read the last page! Looking forward to the last two movies.
I spent several vacations reading her books on my hammock. Nice to hear that you enjoyed them too.
♥, Susan
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