Monday, July 14, 2008

Witchy Folk

I found a really nice book at a yard sale over the weekend on early American folk art and it has inspired my two most recent paintings. While I was flipping though the pages of said book, I thought that a lot of the women looked very witchy (especially the old ones - working on that). While I was creating these girls I was thinking about what lives they could have led and what their names would be. I added crackle finish so that the pieces would look old. I really don't paint many people so I was pretty nervous about how they would turn out but I kept telling myself, "It's folk art, it doesn't have to be perfect.". In the end I am very happy with them. Beatrix looks so nice sitting on my antique easel, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult parting with her!
Without further ado, meet my new friends...

Beatrix Nightshade

Bella Blackrose

I have a few more of these paintings in my brain so please check back in a few days!

Ooo, ooo, ooo... I forgot to add that I just made a utube video of past and present Halloween artwork. Check it out:
Gypsy Mare Halloween Art


Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hi Jen ~ Beatrix & Bella are lovely...what FUN! I am sure they will do well for you! :-)

YAY music!!! '-)


Betty said...

Both witches are lovely. I like witches...wish there were more of us...but not the black magic kind.

Loved the folk music...and the folk art!

softinthehead said...

OMG Jen....I can't believe you like my stuff, yours is amazing! Thank you so much for coming to my blog...what a wonderful compliment! If it is okay with you I would love to add you to my favorites list. I am just in awe over your work! Pam

Melissa Valeriote said...

WOW Jen! LOVE your new direction. Lovely faces on your witches!! More please.

Loves.Nature said...

Really enjoyed your slideshow, neat to see some of the items again, plus new stuff before my time. The bunnies at Halloween are too cute and as always the horses are awesome.


Jennifer MacNeill said...

Thank you so much to everyone for the postitve feedback.
It has really made my day:)

Karen said...

Hello Jennifer- Just stopped by to visit your blog, after you left a comment on mine. What wonderful art you create! I love your witches!
I'll be back to visit again!

Cat (darklingwoods) said...

Love your new witches :) and what a wonderful blog!
